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Journey Into Thrivability

Live a life beyond your wildest dreams. Manifest Love, Abundance, & Prosperity in every aspect of your life & every stage of your life.

Watch the welcome video


Welcome!! We are so excited you are here. This means that you are ready to step into your most thriving life possible!! So, let's do it!

What does it mean to thrive?

     Thriving means boldly, confidently stepping into who you really are and what you are here to do.

     Thriving means living life better than you could ever imagine from your current perspective and consciousness.

     Thriving means living a flourishing life full of vitality, joy, peace, pleasure, and purpose.

     Thriving means living in pure Love, Abundance, and Prosperity.

     Thriving means that every area of your life--body, mind, emotions, spirituality, relationships, sexuality, vocation, pleasure, finances, meaning & purpose, fulfillment--are harmonically synergizing with effortless ease and flow, a beautiful dance of Being. 

     Thriving means fully aligning body, soul, and Spirit, so that you radiate the creative life force energy that you truly are, every moment of every day.

     Thriving means that your radiance positively influences everyone and everything in your life. You catalyze more thrivability in the world just by expressing your True Self.

Click the link below to let me know you are interested and schedule a call with me! I am excited to connect!

I (Dr. Leah) created this Journey Into Thrivability curated group coaching program just for you.

That's right--for you.

Many of you have been calling for this. Many of you have been on journeys of exploration and expansion, making your way toward your happiest, most fulfilling, most joyful, most thriving life possible. That's what we all want--the best life possible. Many of you have had discussions with me about how to manifest it. And I want you to! I want us all to thrive together and to co-create Thriving Earth! I want us all to step more fully into who we really are, expressing our highest self, highest love, highest purpose, highest joy. I want us to co-create thriving, blissful lives, together! 

And let's be honest. It's not easy. We're really not taught how to create a THRIVING life in our culture. But we know it is possible.

Deep inside of us, we know with pure knowing that we are meant to thrive in Love and Abundance, and that this is our birthright. We know that we are here on this beautiful, bounteous planet so that we and all life may thrive together in ways that are beyond our wildest dreams.

So, how do we do it?!

After nearly 30 years of researching, studying, exploring, personally  implementing and experiencing, as well as guiding and mentoring others, I have developed this Journey Into Thrivability and the Thrivability Framework.


I know thrivability is possible from personal experience, scientific and spiritual evidence and teachings, and from direct guidance from Spirit. It is one of my main life's purposes to open to, receive, find, integrate, synergize, and alchemize these teachings, implementing them and offering them to others in doable, structured ways that still allow for your unique unfolding on your life's journey.

This Journey Into Thrivability integrates and synergizes science and spirituality, ancient and contemporary wisdom, and many different ways of knowing and being in the world. We integrate and synergize because we are living in a time of great Transformation and Transmutation, a time in which we are being called to co-create and invent entirely new ways of living, new ways of being in thriving relationship with ourselves and the rest of life, new ways of alchemizing unhelpful energies into our genius expression, so that we may manifest a world of Love and Abundance not just for ourselves, but for all.

You, friend, are one of the Ones who are meant to live in this way, live in and spread Love and Abundance.

Journey Structure

While this Journey Into Thrivability does have a structure, it is also co-created and emergent. At the core, we are learning and aligning ourselves to Life's and Spirit's Principles in an embodied Knowing so that ever more thriving life may manifest through us as we continue our life journey.

The Thrivability Framework, or process, is simple:

1. Re-member--Remember who you really are as a spiritual being having a human experience--your Authentic, Soul, or Spiritual Self.

2. Re-connect--Reconnect with and flow your Authentic Self every moment. Reconnect deeply with others, Earth, and all life on physical, energetic, and soul levels. Reconnect with Spirit.

3. Re-generate--ground your Rememberance and Reconnectedness with actions in your life that manifest thrivability in yourself, your family, and everyone and everything else you affect.

We will move through many iterations of this framework, supported by practices, techniques, tools, technologies, activations, information, channeled messages, resources, and more.  You will come to gracefully, naturally embody the synergistic Becoming of Re-member, Re-connect, and Re-generate, occurring simultaneously through you to manifest thrivability, no matter what stage of life you are in, no matter what is happening in your external environment. You will become centered and grounded in your Authentic Being as Love and Abundance.

Why is this a group Journey?

Because magic happens in groups. Everything exists in relationship. Nothing is separate. We are actually all One. And we are each others' teachers and mirrors. We all bring different perspectives and information that will make everyone's experience richer, more impactful, more transformational, more meaningful. I am inviting you specifically because I know that by showing up and being you, the group will benefit tremendously, and so will you. We create a synergy that would not be able to occur if I was coaching or mentoring you one-on-one. (Although I  welcome you to mentor with me one-on-one, also. Something special occurs in a mentor relationship, as well, and you get very specific messages and information precisely for you.)


We will meet virtually weekly for an hour to an hour-and-a-half. We will decide together as a group when and how long we need to meet weekly to achieve our aims.

We are committing to one year together because transformation takes time. While this timeline is flexible, we have to create and commit to this intention first.

We will also decide when, where, and for how long to have in-person gatherings to deepen our transformations. These retreats may include things like shamanic journeys, transcendent dance, meditation, nature-based rituals, energy work, sacred ceremonies, breath work, grounded skill development, yoga, somatic experiences, channeled techniques, and more.

What are our aims?

We will create our aims, as well, individually and as a group. We are aiming for thrivability, and we need to get more specific about what that means. This creation is not what you think, though. It is not a thought exercise. You will experience and embody this process of creation, as you will learn to experience and embody the process of creation and manifestation more generally, for anything you want in life.


We will utilize an online platform, like Discord or Circles, to connect with ease in ways that are mutually supportive and uplifiting.

You will receive daily messages, tools, techniques, practices, channelings, videos, resources, and more from me here. And you can share with one another, as well. Share your progress, your joy, your unfolding, your challenges, your unique perspectives, your skills and knowledge, and more.   

Special Invitations

As part of this group, I will extend special invitations to you for other groups, events, activities, and programs that could support your unfolding into thrivability even more. Ask me about these!


Reciprocity is a Life's Principle. Sacred Reciprocity is a Spiritual Principle. I offer you this Journey from an open heart, reaching out to meet and dance with yours. To reciprocate and show your commitment to and gratitude for the Journey, I request tribute on a sliding scale. We each have different financial flows and resources. I honor you as you are, regardless of your financial status. So I am offering a pay as you may tribute.

This means that is you have more financial resources at your disposal, you tribute more; if you have less, you tribute less.

The suggested tribute is a minimum of $200/month.

For those with more financial resources, the suggested tribute is as much as $600/month or more.

Tribute what you can. It is up to you. And as we move through this Journey, your financial situation may improve and you may feel called to tribute more.

If the minimum is not doable for you, let's talk and figure out how we can make this work.

We will have our Initial Convergence Mid-April to meet one another, get cozy, and make some decisions, including when our first Journey Into Thrivability Convergence will happen (hopefully, the end of April).

Click the link below to let me know you are interested and schedule a call with me! I am excited to connect!

If you would like to learn more about Holistic Thrivability and Wellness Coaching, click here:


Koru Collaborative

Tel: 941-224-6256

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